Phrases for Embraces

More than words

More than words

Apagando farolas a mi paso, y el frío abanicándome mil pensamientos inconexos, la mayoría fruto de un estado entre adormilado y apático. Una mañana más del resto de mi vida. And yes, maybe it’s the same shit that moves me every day, but still I have to stay that way.

Who may say that she still could thrill me, that she still could inspire me, with her hands across the strings, and her voice, her little voice, singing those words that she used to sing. The way has changed, so deeply, staying in front of me, more natural, smoother, looking eye to eye. A shy smile behind my hands, my eyes drowned in tears… she will never know what my mind wants to say… Because there’s nothing more to say, nothing more to do. This was the way that things were supposed to be, and it’s all right with me. But somehow, I still think that I’m jealous, jealous of the incoming future… she will never know.

Un cigarro en el jardín, con un moscardón amenazando la tranquilidad de la mañana, y sí, me ha vuelto a hacer sonreír, comentando una jugada que jamás debí jugar, pero que ya no tiene vuelta atrás. Toca girar página, por fin, y empezar a escribir sobre aquello nuevo, aquello bonito, aquello que queda por venir… página en blanco. Tóca(me)la una vez más, ya no bajo las sábanas, sino sobre ellas, porqué ya no hay necesidad de esconderse… More than words, lighting lamps again…with a cross over my heart.

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